Family Indoor Waterpark Great Wolf Lodge Water Park Resorts
3950 Victoria Lane
Niagara Falls,
Canada Phone: 905-354-4888
Fax: 905-354-5588

Rainbow Lake (Wave Pool)
* There is a strong current in this attraction
* No rough play
* Enter at shallow end only
* All swimmers are strongly suggested to wear a life jacket due to the challenging nature of this attraction
* Waves can sweep you off your feet
* Waves will be on and off throughout the day
* Weak or non-swimmers without life jackets should stay in the shallow end

Otter Lake (Activity Pool)
* Parents should accompany small children and weak or non-swimmers should wear a life jacket
* Running, diving, rough play and splashing are not permitted
* Do not shoot basketballs from outside the pool or designated area
* Do not dunk basketballs or hang on the rims
* No shaking, twisting of, or standing on floatable (snake and log)
* No flippers, snorkels, or toys allowed in the pool

Frog Pond
* The Lily pads are a one-way activity and only one guest at a time per Lily pad
* Guests under 48” tall should be accompanied by an adult and wear a life jacket
* No climbing on ropes
* Guests must exit water area immediately after falling off pads (Guests cannot get back on or swim in this area)

Grizzly, Eagle, & Bobcat (Tube Slides)
* Grizzly – guests must be 48” tall to ride. Eagle & Bobcat – guests must be 48” tall to ride alone or 42” tall if riding with an adult
* Single riders may ride in a single inner tube or in the rear of a double inner tube
* Single tube, one rider only. Double tube, no more than two riders with the smaller person in front.
* 250 lbs maximum on a single inner tube, 400 lbs maximum on a double tube
* Correct riding position requires guests to remain seated in the hole, facing forward, and grasping the handles throughout the course of the ride. Stopping, changing positions, or forming chains is not permitted.
* Guests must exit splash pool quickly; steps for exit only (entering/sitting not allowed)
* Life jackets are permitted on this ride

Wooly Mammoth (Family Raft Ride)
* Wooly Mammoth is a multi-passenger family raft ride with splashes, quick acceleration, steep drops, and a landing pool finish
* Guests under 48” tall must be accompanied by an adult and be able to hold onto the raft handles
* Two, three, or four riders per tube are permitted with a combined weight not to exceed 800 lbs
* Single or double tubes are not permitted
* Riders should remain seated, facing inward and grasping handles throughout the course of the ride
* Loose items such as hats and visors are not permitted and glasses should be secured by a strap
* Guests are permitted to wear life jackets while riding

Crystal River
* Guests are not permitted on the island in the river
* No piling, stacking, or throwing tubes
* No rough play, flipping, or pushing of tubes
* All guests must have a tube, no free swimming allowed
* Exit at designated stairways only
* Life jackets are permitted

Fort Mackenzie
* The water bucket dumps over 1000 gallons of water. Use caution when standing directly under the bucket area.
* Running, hanging, or swinging on ropes is not permitted
* No age/height limit
* Please do not bend or cover hoses to spray guests on deck
* Banging toys together is not permitted
Beaver Falls & Squirrel Falls (Body Slides)
* One rider on slide at a time
* Guests must be at least 42” tall to ride
* Correct riding position requires guests to remain seated, feet first with legs crossed at the ankles and arms crossed over the chest throughout the course of the ride. Stopping, changing positions, and forming chains are not permitted.
* Exit slides run-out quickly to the sides
* Life jackets are permitted on this ride
* Guests are not allowed to sit at the end of the slide

Chipmunk Cove (Kiddie Pool)
* No running, jumping, or diving
* Water toys and furniture are not allowed in zero-depth pool
Raccoon, Muskrat, Bear Cub, & Salmon Run (Kiddie Slides)
* Guests must be between 36” and 48” tall to ride
* One person at a time
* Remain seated feet first and in an upright position throughout the course of the ride. No head first or belly sliding allowed.
* Parents or guardians supervising their children may catch children at the bottom and exit landing area quickly
* Life jackets are permitted on this ride

Canada Vortex (Cannon Bowl)
* Canada Vortex is a tube slide featuring a cannon bowl and 40 foot plunge
* Guests must be at least 48” tall to ride
* Single tube one rider only. Double tube, no more than two riders.
* 250 lbs maximum on a single inner tube, 400 lbs maximum on a double tube
* Riders should remain seated, facing forward and grasping handles throughout the course of the ride.
* Loose items such as hats and visors are not permitted and glasses should be secured by a strap
* Guests must exit splash pool quickly; Steps for exit only (entering/sitting now allowed)
* Guests are permitted to wear life jackets while riding

Niagara Rapids Run (Rocket)
* Guests must be at least 48” tall to ride
* Raft must be a minimum of 200 lbs and maximum of 600 lbs
* Riders will be seated lightest to heaviest
* Minimum of two riders and a maximum of three riders
* Correct riding position requires guests to remain seated, facing forward, and grasping the handles throughout the course of the ride
* Guests must exit splash pool quickly; steps for exit only (entering/sitting not allowed)
* Lifejackets are permitted on this ride

North and South Hot Springs & Outdoor Hot Tub
* No jumping or diving
* No climbing on rocks
* Proper swimming attire is required
* Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the lower hot tub
* Must be 16 or older to be in the upper hot tub and outdoor hot tub
* Infants, small toddlers, elderly guests, pregnant women, and guests with heart conditions or diabetes should not enter the hot tub without prior medical consent and permission from their doctor
* Observe reasonable time limits (10-15 min). Long or repetitive use may result in nausea, dizziness, or fainting.

Loon Lagoon (Seasonal Outdoor Pool)
* Wristbands must be worn at all times unless under the age of 3; this includes spectators.
* No jumping, running, or diving
* No carry-in food or coolers allowed in outdoor pool area
* No dunking or hanging on basketball rims or nets
* Enter and exit the pool at designated areas only
* “Piggy Back” or shoulder riding is not allowed
* Children must be supervised at all times
* Water toys are not permitted in the outdoor pool
* Life jackets are permitted
* Protect your skin! Use a waterproof sunscreen with at least SPF 15 – even when it’s cloudy. And be sure to reapply it frequently. Sunscreen is available for purchase at the gift shop.
Niagara Falls Waterpark - Great Wolf Resorts - Indoor Water Park Resort
Best for: Adults, Entire Family, Teens, Toddlers, Tweens, Young Children
At Great Wolf Lodge, we offer many unique suite styles that comfortably sleep from four to eight guests. All of our rustically elegant suites are well-appointed with premium features such as granite counter tops and mini-refrigerators, and they all are non-smoking. At Great Wolf Lodge, you can trust that we have a suite that will be the perfect base camp for your family's adventure!
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