Mark Twain Landing-Missouri-Monroe-Waterparks in the United States of America
42819 Landing Lane
Monroe City, MO 63456
Phone: 877-700-9422
Fax: 573-735-9322

Must be a registered park guest of the Mark Twain Landing Resort to rent golf carts.
Park guest must be 18 with a valid driver's license in your possession to rent carts.
Park guest must be 16 with a valid driver's license in your possession at all times to operate carts.
Golf carts must remain on Mark Twain property at all times
A security deposit of $100 cash or credit card is required.

Registered park guest must be 18 with a valid ID to rent.
Children 12 and under must wear a helmet. No opened-toe shoes.
Children 16 and under must have adult supervision while using bikes.
Registered park guest must be 18 with a valid ID to rent.
All guest must wear a life jacket.
Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Weather permitting - Sunday - Thursday - 5 PM to 9 PM
Friday - Saturday & Holiday Weekends - 1 PM to 10 PM
Memorial Day thru Labor Day
Go Carts 5 tickets per Go Cart
Water Wars 5 tickets per bucket
Bumper Boats 4 tickets per boat
Miniature Golf 2 tickets (Miniature golf can be played any time during store hours)
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